Tajmahal: A monument beyond love story.

Hello evryone,

Its not new to talk about the great love story of The 5th Moughal Shahjahan and his beloved empress Mumtaj but here you would see something different.

Would you believe that this magnificent structure stands on a very uncommon foundation. Yes, it is.

As when the King ordered his chief architect to build it at the present site of construction, the man knew that it won’t last long if it is built over normal foundation as the geological properties of the land in Agra are very sandy very soft. Plus the river next to it could be a cause of sever damage due to heavy floods which occurs almost every monsoon.

So he gathered all his knowledge and people to come to a conclusion to build it over pillers. For which the huge man power was used to secure river bed area and dry it to make huge piles of about 30 ft depth. Walls of piles were tiled with Saal wood and the hollow was filled completely with rocks and limestone.

almost 142 pillers were made to raise arches over them to make strong enough to lay red sandstone platform over it.

then the structured the Tajmahal over it right at the centre to distribute it’s weight over foundation equally.

So why Saal wood? Because it when absorbs moisture it becomes flexible and it’s life increases. And limestone with moisture does not age it rather grows younger.

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Picture Courtesy: The Constructer

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